What is Whiplash and How is it Treated?
We are all likely familiar with the term whiplash, often in the context of the aftermath of a car accident, but there are many other ways this condition can happen.
What is Whiplash?
Essentially the term ‘whiplash’ is nothing more than neck strain. However, this neck strain can range in severity and is not always the result of a car accident – athletes often suffer whiplash as a result of collision on the field. A neck strain is identified by injured muscles or tendon. This differs from a sprain because a sprain occurs when the ligaments are actually torn.
You can basically suffer from whiplash any time your head is rapidly thrown back, resulting in hyper-extension. The cervical spine may also be injured as well depending on the source and severity of the impact.
How do I know if I Have Whiplash?
You might think that if your neck suffered this type of injury you would know right away. While this is true in some cases, other times it may be hours or even a day or two before the telltale pain begins. Some of the most common symptoms of whiplash include decreased range of motion, tightness, pain or knotted muscles in the neck. You may also experience headaches near the base of the skull with pain that moves to the forehead. The pain may increase with motion.
It’s important to also be aware that you could have a concussion as well. Often these two injuries can occur together. If you have hit your head, it’s best to not take the wait-and-see approach and to visit your doctor right away.
What if I do Have Whiplash?
The good news is that most people will recover from whiplash completely as long as it is treated correctly. Because I prefer a more natural approach to healing than to simply medicate, I think that using ice (and later heat) along with rest and realignment can help you heal properly. Each case of whiplash is different and while chirporactic care can improve some cases, there are others that simply require rest. I take each patient on a case my case basis and only apply my care if necessary.
As far as at-home care goes, in the two to three days after injury, you will want to use ice for about 20 to 30 minutes every 3 to 4 hours. After these two to three days, you can switch to moist heat.
It’s important to take the time to allow your neck to heal.
Depending on the case, the neck pain should decrease within a few days. In more extreme cases it’s likely that the pain will last for weeks.
Whiplash Prevention
While there is no way to avoid having an accident, there are a few ways that you can help prevent neck injury. Be sure that your headrest in your car is adjusted correctly so that it goes to at least the top of your head. This way, if you are in a accident, your head will not snap back as far. Also, build up your neck muscles with strength exercises so that your neck will be both strong and limber. If you have a desk job, it’s important to get up stretch and move your neck around several times a day.
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6 Ways to Boost Your Immunity This Season
As the weather cools down here in the Valley we are greeted with cool air in the morning and pleasant crisp temperatures at night. This is truly the best time to be in the desert, but just like other parts of the country, it’s also a time of cold, flu and lowered immunity. Holiday travel, family visits and crowded shopping centers and malls make exchanging germs as simple as touching surfaces or shaking hands. Fortunately, there are many natural ways we can boost our immunity and lessen our chances of getting sick this holiday season.
Additionally, many of these natural supplements have been linked to maintaining long term health in many of the body’s main systems.
1. Larch
The Northwestern Larch tree contains a fiber called arabinogalactan (AG). This immune system booster is known to enhance the efficiency of natural killer cells, which attack microbes and cancer cells as soon as the body detects them. Additional research has also found that in laboratory tests, this ingredient has been effective in warding off secondary tumors that often occur in the organs of cancer patients.
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2. Oregano Oil
Wild oregano plants yield two natural ingredients that are known to boost immunity – carvacrol and thymol. While many of us are familiar with oil of oregano, which is used for cooking, it’s important to note that oregano oil is different. The two ingredients in this oil help rid the body of harmful micro-organisms that can make us sick. These include killing organisms that can lead to digestive problems and skin infections, boosting immunity, improving muscle and joint flexibility and improving respiratory health.
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3. Shitake Mushrooms
Much like the earlier mentioned larch tree, shitake mushrooms are also believed to boost the action of natural killer cells. These cells not only attack cancerous cells but also viruses which have entered our bodies. The main compound responsible for these benefits is called lentinan and it’s known to kickstart the immune system. The great thing about this immunity booster is that you can prepare these mushrooms in a variety of ways, from salad additions to soup ingredients, shitake mushrooms can give your body that extra boost this winter.
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4. Avocados
Here’s another tasty immunity booster! Avocados are known to support adrenal function and the health of your immune system. The healthy fats in avocados help balance hormone production as well. The avocado is a great source of glutathione which helps rid the body of free radicals that can later turn in to cancer. Additionally, the inflammatory conditions we experience when we have a cold or the flu can be reduced with the natural fatty acids.
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5. Ginger
Ginger is one of the most potent natural antioxidants and immunity boosters. This is why you see a variety of teas with ginger as an ingredient. If you have a cold, ginger root tea can help lessen sore throat and can even reduce the discomfort of chills and fever. This is due, in part, to the fact that ginger contains two natural antibiotics.
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6. Sage Extract
Sage extract has been used in medicine since ancient times. There are many different conditions that are treated naturally with this extract including stomach issues, depression, memory loss, gum disease, sore throat and painful nasal passages to name a few. In some cases, sage is even inhaled for the treatment of asthma.
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These are just a small sampling of the many different natural immunity boosters available. While some may be purchased at supplement stores or pharmacies, others like the avocado or shitake mushroom can be purchased at your local grocery store.
Do you have any other natural supplements you use to boost your immunity? Let us know your secret to prolonged health during the holiday season!
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